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Focus on health in the workplace: Recap of the Zukunft Personal Süd trade fair

July 17, 2024
Deep Care on ZP South team photo

On 9 and 10 May, Stuttgart once again hosted the HRM Expo South and attracted a total of 5,000 visitors and 250 exhibitors from the world of HR. The motto of the trade fair was "The Big New". As a pioneer in digital health promotion, we did not hold back and were once again on site as an exhibitor in the corporate health area. Many of our customers visited us there, for which we would like to thank them once again. For all those who couldn't make it this year, we would like to share our impressions and highlights of the trade fair in this review of ZPSüd2023.

Our trade fair highlights 2023

Interactive stand concept

After launching our digital health coach ISA last year, we were able to significantly expand our market position, which is why we also significantly increased our trade fair presence this year. The stand area was almost three times as large as last year. We also had a much stronger presence this year. The highlight of our stand was an interactive live broadcast of the data collected by ISA, which was shown on a large screen.

Thanks to the interactive element, we were able to arouse the curiosity of visitors who were not yet familiar with us. In addition, we had the opportunity to dispel any initial concerns about data protection.

Hands-on experience with new functions

Instead of conventional counters, we opted for an open stand design and presented three ISAs prominently on elegant pillars to invite visitors to test the digital health assistance live. We received a lot of praise from visitors for the minimalist but high-quality stand concept. In combination with our innovative product, comparisons were even frequently drawn with Apple! In addition to standard functions such as ergonomics recognition or targeted movement exercises to relieve the strain on certain areas of the body, we were also able to offer New functions as extended Health statistics or Individual objectives introduce. Here you can find out more about the new features

Specialist input at the stages

The numerous stages and workshop areas at the trade fair were very well attended this year and offered plenty of input. We ourselves were lucky enough to be able to give two presentations on the Corporate Health Stage and the BBGM Area.

First-principle thinking & leap innovation

Our co-founder, Simon Fiechtner, gave the inspiring presentation "Rethinking healthy working - through personalised AI coaching" at the Corporate Health Stage. It was about the importance of first-principle thinking and how it helps us to develop innovative solutions. It is often the case that once a solution has been found for a problem, people tend to stick with it and iteratively improve it without questioning whether a new approach would be more suitable as development progresses. The core idea of first-principle thinking is to develop completely new solutions by visualising an ideal state and the original problem in order to then develop a completely new approach. At Deep Care, we have used this principle to create a pioneering innovation that improves health in the workplace on several levels.

ISA supports employees directly during work, adapts to individual needs and thus increases health benefits and active utilisation. ISA also makes it possible for the first time to integrate health-promoting behaviour into everyday working life without disrupting the workflow. The flexibility of the application also allows the intensity and duration to be customised and can be scaled cost-effectively as required.

Watch presentation

Behavioural research & deep learning technology

"How artificial intelligence and behavioural research can improve our work-health balance" was the topic of the presentation by Frederik Blohm, our Head of Marketing. The focus was on the major influence that small behaviours such as regular breaks from sitting or frequent changes in sitting posture have on the health, well-being and performance of employees. Based on current findings in behavioural research, he showed which factors cause a change in behaviour and how these can be used by technological tools such as ISA to form habits of healthy work routines.

Our conclusion of the trade fair?

Although we saw little of "The Big New", at least in the area of corporate health, and were unable to find any ground-breaking innovations, the trade fair visit was still worthwhile. After all, such trade fairs offer a unique space for encounters and personal dialogue between customers, suppliers and partners.

This is where people meet and build trust, which is ultimately the basis for successful and healthy collaboration. We had many exciting encounters, made new contacts and deepened existing relationships. Not only did we learn more about the concerns of health managers in companies, but we were also able to exchange experiences with other providers and receive valuable feedback on our solution.

It was a great opportunity to share our vision and innovation with others and work together towards a better future in the world of work. A big thank you to everyone who visited us at the fair and to everyone who helped make this event a success. We are already looking forward to the next exciting encounters that lie ahead! #AplusA

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