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Award for Top Brand Corporate Health 2022

July 17, 2024
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Award for Germany's best service provider in occupational health management

What can be expected from a service provider certified as a "Top Brand" in occupational health management?

You can be sure that you are dealing with a partner with an exceptionally high level of service. In other words, a service provider that offers practical and demonstrably successful health solutions. Click here to find out more about this solution.

What is the purpose of the award?

The Top Brand Award creates more transparency in the service provider market for corporate health management. This enables an informed decision to be made when choosing a reliable partner and ensures the successful implementation of corporate health management.

Here to find out more about the award. 

How are the best service providers in occupational health management identified?

BGM experts from Germany's best employers nominate service providers in occupational health management with whom they have already implemented successful projects. This is followed by an assessment by the Top Brand Expert Advisory Board. Experts from the field and academics assess five dimensions. These are: "quality of service", "quality of employees", "cost structure", "reliability" and "likelihood of recommendation". Finally, an audit is carried out by BDO Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft AG.

 About EUPD?

EUPD is the leading market research, analysis and certification institute and has been recognising sustainable companies worldwide for over 20 years. The Corporate Health Evaluation Standard (CHES) serves as the basis for the awards in Corporate Health Management.

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