Deep Care Logo weiss
Deep Care Logo
Our mission

Valuing life by preserving health.

At Deep Care, our goal is to develop smart occupational health and safety solutions through innovative technologies and artificial intelligence. We want to empower people to work healthily and minimise health risks in their working environment in a sustainable way. Our focus is on increasing individual well-being and creating a healthy and productive work environment.

Partners & networks that support our mission

Büromitarbeiter blickt zufrieden auf seinen digitialten Gesundheitscoach Isa, welcher ihm dabei hilft gesund zu arbeiten

Our story

It all started with five friends who worked on robotics topics at BOSCH and TESLA and experienced health problems due to sitting for long periods of time, despite extensive BGF offers from their employers.

From their expertise and their own needs, they developed an innovative approach to individual health promotion. Together with experts from physiotherapy, occupational medicine, occupational health & safety management and health insurance, as well as numerous test users, they refined this approach in numerous iterations. In the meantime, Deep Care grew continuously and gained experts from the fields of artificial intelligence, behavioural research and health sciences.

Since we entered the market in October 2022, Isa has successfully established itself in companies and Deep Care has built up valuable partnerships with health insurance companies. We are continuously developing our offering in collaboration with partner institutions such as KIT and Fraunhofer.

Deep Care today

Today, Deep Care is a leader in the development of smart health applications for the workplace.

More than 100 companies, numerous health insurance companies and selected service providers in the field of occupational health and safety use our offer for sustainable health promotion. In this way, quite a few people gain free and easy access to a significantly healthier everyday working life every day.

Mitarbeiterin steht vor ihrem Schreibtsich und folgt der Übungsanleitung durch den digitalen Gesundheitscoach Isa, welcher auf ihrem Schreibtsich steht.
Eine Frau sitzt am Schreibtisch vor Ihrem Desktop, streckt sich und fühlt sich wohl
Our vision

Enable a healthier life

At Deep Care, we are firmly committed to making a significant contribution to reducing non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and metabolic diseases.

Through the targeted use of artificial intelligence, technological capabilities and scientific knowledge, we pursue the goal of developing customised and highly effective solutions for the prevention, early detection and treatment of these diseases.

Our goal is to sustainably improve people's health and give every individual the opportunity to develop their full potential.

Looking into the future, one of the top three concerns for humanity is undoubtedly health. The number of caregivers is decreasing, while our lifestyle is worsening. As the present generation, it is our responsibility to prepare for this challenge. One approach is to develop effective therapies for the sick, but my preference is to safeguard the people by addressing the root cause and preserving well-being. I aspire to contribute to a future where people experience increasing health and happiness each day. I firmly believe in a brighter future, driven by the multitude of individuals currently dedicated to creating positive change – a collective mission that never happened in history.
Dr. Milad Geravand
Founder & CEO


Dr. Milad Geravand


Simon Fiechtner

Business Developer

Timo Forstner

CTO – Software Developer

Vanessa Gaber

Psycho-Neuroimunologist & Sports Trainer

Lukas Heck

Sports scientist

Bettina Laurick

Strategic Business Developer

Dr. Raham Zarfam

Head of Operations

Jorge Avante Reyes

Software Developer

Dr. Yvonne Ritze

Behavioural neuroscientist

Frederik Blohm

Business Developer

Kathrin Allgayer

Business Developer

Vincent Wallerich

Business Developer

Dr. Alexandra Cordes


Slimane Akdad

Software Developer

Delaram Mansouri

UX / UI Designer

Behzad Irani

Software Developer

Li Sun

Hardware Developer

Marc Baumholz

Software Developer

Fabian Dürbeck

Marketing Manager
Portrait der Deep Care Mitarbeiterin Wenjun Xue

Wenjun Xue

Software Developerin
Portrait eines Deep Care Mitarbeiters (Timofiy Buhriy)

Tymofiy Buhriy

Business Developer

Prince Tyagi

Software Developer

Isaac Lopez



Thomas Balgheim

Innovation Manager

Michael Leuthe

CEO Sporlastic GmbH

Christian Terborg

Senior Executive

Ralf Sonnenwald

Managing Director ES Kapital

Andrej Baraban

Investment Manager S-Kap

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