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Isa - your health coach for the office & home office

Say goodbye to tension & pain! With Isa, you are not only investing in your health, but also in your well-being. Live healthier, stay focused at work and reap the benefits of a more active lifestyle.

Isa - your health coach for the office & home office

Say goodbye to tension & pain! With Isa, you are not only investing in your health, but also in your well-being. Live healthier, stay focused at work and reap the benefits of a more active lifestyle.

Give the gift of health!

Do something good for yourself and your loved ones:

We are giving you a 25% discount on your order until the end of the year.

Give the gift of health!

Do something good for yourself and your loved ones:

We are giving you a 25% discount on your order until the end of the year.

Did you know?

Sitting a lot causes many problems

If you work in an office, you spend on average 9-12 hours a day sitting down!

But your body is designed to move in order to function well. Already after 60min sitting your metabolism drops up to 90% which means that your cells are no longer supplied with sufficient nutrients.

Graph_zeigt den Stoffwechsel nach 60 min. sitzen
The consequences

Some are certainly familiar to you

Symptoms of exhaustion, tension and pain are unfortunately only the beginning ...

In the long run, prolonged sitting can lead to serious health problems such as cardiovascular, musculoskeletal or metabolic diseases. Sleep problems and depression can also be a consequence.

What helps?

Small habits with a big effect!

An ergodynamic sitting posture and short movement breaks can achieve more than intensive recreational sports!

Your body needs variation as your body works like a sponge, absorbing or releasing nutrients as the pressure changes.

By keeping your body continuously active, you ensure that your spine and muscles are relieved, your blood circulation and metabolism are stimulated and your brain is supplied with sufficient nutrients.

The solution

Give your body what it asks for

Your back says: "Ouch"
Isa says: "Change your sitting posture".

If your spine is under too much strain due to poor posture, Isa will give you a hint in time to avoid pain and tension.

Your neck is making a fuss?
Isa says, "Loosen up!"

Then she guides you independently and at the optimal time to exactly the movement exercise that your body is asking for.

Your body screams "Break!"
Isa says: "Go for a walk for 5 minutes".

If your metabolism is low, Isa suggests you take a break. Such micro-breaks provide recovery and keep your circulation active.

Your head is like "Doesn't flow ... "
Isa says, "Sizzle a water!"

It sounds trivial but be honest - do you manage to drink 1.7 litres of water every day besides work?

Use the time at your desk to keep fit

+ 180 micro workouts

help you stay healthy.

Individual posture corrections

improve your posture.

Seat/standing table detection

enables optimal standing use.

Health knowledge:

learn what keeps you healthy and why


You determine the focus and goals yourself

Recovery phases

increase your efficiency

An apple a day ...

Never forget your daily ration of vitamins again

Hydration advice

keep mind & body in flow
This is how it works

Simple and besides

1. switch on Isa - off you go!

Once you have started Isa, you can go about your work as usual.

Using 3D sensor technology, Isa recognises unhealthy behavioural patterns in the way you work and uses deep learning algorithms to continuously create a personalised stress profile of your body.

2. individual health coaching

Based on your behaviour and the stresses associated with it, Isa offers you tailor-made coachin

Isa analyses the way you work, identifies opportunities for improvement and supports you in implementing healthy behaviour effortlessly.

3. tracking your successes

Isa gives you fascinating insights into your work routines, shows you successes already achieved and ensures continuous motivation.

Together with Isa, you can set individual health goals and achieve them step by step. Isa provides you with comprehensive statistics to help you understand how you work and track your progress.

Give the gift of health!

Do something good for yourself and your loved ones:

We are giving you a 25% discount on your order until the end of the year.

Work Smart. Stay Healthy.

are convinced by Isa
improve their posture
use micro-workouts daily

Results from independently conducted studies in various industrial groups, service companies, banks, research institutions and health insurance companies. The studies took place for 1-3 months each and were supervised by BGM experts from the health sector and the companies

Frequently asked questions

Möchtest du Isa kostenlos über deinen Arbeitgeber nutzen?

Empfehle uns deinem Arbeitgeber weiter oder frage bei uns an, ob bereits eine Kooperation besteht.

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